PAPER 1 Section B FILM MARKETING : Mainstream and independent films TASK 1 MAINSTREAM AND INDEPENDENT FILMS What are the main differences between a mainstream and an independent film ? Independent Film: Makes you think, ask questions, associated with critical issues, film more as art and cultural expression; mixture/undefined dramas, Social Themes/ Messages Downbeat/ open endings Unknown actors, cheap stars Small budget Niche + small, older active audience Limited distribution Lower production values Typically targets older audiences Conventions: no non diegetic sound, documentary feel (use of hand held camera), complex narrative, Realist genres, less escapist on location shooting desaturated colour palette, natural lighting Biutiful - 2010 - social realism - Alejandro Inarritu - social realism; conventions - Mainstream Film: Makes you laugh, makes you cry, associated with commercial success, film as escapist entertainment...
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